Measurement of TLB effects on a Cortex-A9

tl;dr -> Provide a proper MVCE.

This answer should be a comment but is too big to be posted as comment, so posting as answer instead:

  1. I had to fix a bunch of syntax errors (missing semicolons) and declare undefined variables.

  2. After fixing all those problems, the code did NOTHING (the program quit even prior to executing the first mmap. I’m giving the tip to use curly brackets all the time, here is your first and your second error caused by NOT doing so:


// after calloc:
if(entries == NULL) perror("calloc failed"); exit(1);
// after mmap
if(entries[i] == MAP_FAILED) perror("mmap failed"); exit(1);

both lines just terminate your program regardless of the condition.

  1. Here you got an endless loop (reformatted, added curly brackets but no other change):


//Randomly access and init with random values
n = -1;
i = 0;
while (++n < NB_ENTRIES -1) {
    //init with random value
    entries[i]->elmt = rand() % NB_ENTRIES;

    //loop till we reach the last element
    while (entries[entries[i]->elmt]->elmt != -1) {
        if (entries[i]->elmt == NB_ENTRIES) {
            entries[i]->elmt = 0;

    i = entries[i]->elmt;

First iteration starts by setting entries[0]->elmt to some random value, then inner loop increments until it reaches LAST_ELEMENT. Then i is set to that value (i.e. LAST_ELEMENT) and second loop overwrites end marker -1 to some other random value. Then it’s constantly incremented mod NB_ENTRIES in the inner loop until you hit CTRL+C.


If you want help, then post a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example and not something else.

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