MediatorLiveData or switchMap transformation with multiple parameters

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To have multiple triggers for switchMap(), you need to use a custom MediatorLiveData to observe the combination of the LiveData objects –

class CustomLiveData extends MediatorLiveData<Pair<String, Integer>> {
    public CustomLiveData(LiveData<String> code, LiveData<Integer> nbDays) {
        addSource(code, new Observer<String>() {
            public void onChanged(@Nullable String first) {
                setValue(Pair.create(first, nbDays.getValue()));
        addSource(nbDays, new Observer<Integer>() {
            public void onChanged(@Nullable Integer second) {
                setValue(Pair.create(code.getValue(), second));

Then you can do this –

CustomLiveData trigger = new CustomLiveData(code, nbDays);
LiveData<DayPrices> dayPrices = Transformations.switchMap(trigger, 
    value -> dbManager.getDayPriceData(value.first, value.second));

If you use Kotlin and want to work with generics:

class DoubleTrigger<A, B>(a: LiveData<A>, b: LiveData<B>) : MediatorLiveData<Pair<A?, B?>>() {
    init {
        addSource(a) { value = it to b.value }
        addSource(b) { value = a.value to it }


val dayPrices = Transformations.switchMap(DoubleTrigger(code, nbDays)) {
    dbManager.getDayPriceData(it.first, it.second)

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