Mock MVC – Add Request Parameter to test

When i analyzed your code. I have also faced the same problem but my problem is if i give value for both first and last name means it is working fine. but when i give only one value means it says 400. anyway use the .andDo(print()) method to find out the error

public void testGetUserByName() throws Exception {
    String firstName = "Jack";
    String lastName = "s";       
    this.userClientObject = client.createClient();
            .sessionAttr("userClientObject", this.userClientObject)
            .param("firstName", firstName)
            .param("lastName", lastName)               

If your problem is org.springframework.web.bind.missingservletrequestparameterexception you have to change your code to

@RequestMapping(value = "/byName", method = RequestMethod.GET)
    String getUserByName(
        @RequestParam( value="firstName",required = false) String firstName,
        @RequestParam(value="lastName",required = false) String lastName, 
        @ModelAttribute("userClientObject") UserClient userClient)

        return client.getUserByName(userClient, firstName, lastName);

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