Non-defaulted operator doesn’t generate == and != [duplicate]

This is by design.

[] (emphasis mine)

3 If the class definition does not explicitly declare an ==
operator function, but declares a defaulted three-way comparison
function, an == operator function is declared implicitly
with the same access as the three-way comparison operator function.
The implicitly-declared == operator for a class X is an inline
member and is defined as defaulted in the definition of X.

Only a defaulted <=> allows a synthesized == to exist. The rationale is that classes like std::vector should not use a non-defaulted <=> for equality tests. Using <=> for == is not the most efficient way to compare vectors. <=> must give the exact ordering, whereas == may bail early by comparing sizes first.

If a class does something special in its three-way comparison, it will likely need to do something special in its ==. Thus, instead of generating a potentially non-sensible default, the language leaves it up to the programmer.

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