object initialization can be simplified

While all the previous suggestions are also good, I would add a third way. Turn off those warnings and ignore them. While I appreciate Microsoft’s attempts to get everyone coding efficiently and neatly, this is not a good suggestion in my opinion and it actually produces difficult to read and edit code.

Firstly, this essentially turns object initialisation into a single line of code, and any errors are reported as such. If you had 20 bits of data being loaded into an object you would be presented with an error on the first line and not told which property has errored. Debugging will not help as you are shown the whole block of code as the error.

Secondly, if you in future need to expand out the code and add additional code for a specific property you would now need to do this in seperate code. This adds to fragmentation and separates related bits of code(Maybe, it’s debatable).

Both of these issues might seem like very minor things, but the warning suggests a fix that is also a very minor thing. For the sake of bracketing your initialisation you’ve made your code harder to debug and modify. This is a bad trade off in my opinion.

You can disable the warning by right-clicking the warning and selecting “suppress”, or Go to Tools > Options > Text Editor > C# > Code Style > General > Prefer Object Initializer > and set the warning to None, or set the Preference to No.
settings to change preference for object initializers

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