Optimize Haskell GC usage

As Carl suggested, you should check code for space leaks. I’ll assume that your program really requires a lot of memory for good reason.

The program spent 2820.18s doing major GC. You can lower it by reducing either memory usage (not a case by the assumption) or number of major collections. You have a lot of free RAM, so you can try -Ffactor option:


    [Default: 2] This option controls the amount of memory reserved for
 the older generations (and in the case of a two space collector the size
 of the allocation area) as a factor of the amount of live data. For
 example, if there was 2M of live data in the oldest generation when we
 last collected it, then by default we'll wait until it grows to 4M before
 collecting it again.

In your case there is ~3G of live data. By default major GC will be triggered when heap grows to 6G. With -F3 it will be triggered when heap grows to 9G saving you ~1000s CPU time.

If most of the live data is static (e.g. never changes or changes slowly,) then you will be interested in stable heap. The idea is to exclude long living data from major GC. It can be achieved e.g. using compact normal forms, though it is not merged into GHC yet.

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