Pattern for rich error handling in gRPC

Include additional error details in the response Metadata. However, still make sure to provide a useful status code and message. In this case, you can add RegisterUserResponse to the Metadata.

In gRPC Java, that would look like:

Metadata.Key<RegisterUserResponse> REGISTER_USER_RESPONSE_KEY =
Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
metadata.put(REGISTER_USER_RESPONSE_KEY, registerUserResponse);
    Status.INVALID_ARGUMENT.withDescription("Email or password malformed")

Another option is to use the google.rpc.Status proto which includes an additional Any for details. Support is coming to each language to handle the type. In Java, it’d look like:

// This is, not io.grpc.Status
Status status = Status.newBuilder()
    .setMessage("Email or password malformed")

google.rpc.Status is cleaner in some languages as the error details can be passed around as one unit. It also makes it clear what parts of the response are error-related. On-the-wire, it still uses Metadata to pass the additional information.

You may also be interested in error_details.proto which contains some common types of errors.

I discussed this topic during CloudNativeCon. You can check out the slides and linked recording on YouTube.

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