Push git changes to a shared network drive

Not sure if you found something that works for you or not, but I have a writeup on how to do that very thing on a windows network drive:


From a cmd prompt change to your mapped drive.

$ cd g:

Then cd into your soon to be git repository.

$ cd scripts

Then create an empty git repository. If you do not use the –bare option, you will have issues so don’t leave that out.

$ git init –bare

Now if you don’t have a local git repository yet, then you can clone your new repository wherever you like by navigating back to your local drive.

$ c:

$ cd work/scripts

$ git clone file://g:\scripts

When you clone, you automatically get a remote called “origin” and you can push to the server for safe keeping any time you make changes locally.

$ git push origin master

If you already have a git repository and you just want to push out to the shared drive then you can do this from within your local git dir.

$ git remote add origin file://g:\scripts

$ git push origin master

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