RabbitMQ AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder values

Usually I use very simple approach to memorize something. I will provide all details below, but here is a simple picture of BasicProperties field and values. I’ve also tried to properly highlight queue/server and application context.

enter image description here

If you want me to enhance it a bit – just drop a small comment. What I really want is to provide some visual key and simplify understanding.

High-level description (source 1, source 2):

Please note Clust ID has been deprecated, so I will exclude it.

  • Application ID – Identifier of the application that produced the message.
    • Context: application use
    • Value: Can be any string.
  • Content Encoding – Message content encoding
    • Context: application use
    • Value: MIME content encoding (e.g. gzip)
  • Content Type – Message content type
    • Context: application use
    • Value: MIME content type (e.g. application/json)
  • Correlation ID – Message correlated to this one, e.g. what request this message is a reply to. Applications are encouraged to use this attribute instead of putting this information into the message payload.
    • Context: application use
    • Value: any value
  • Delivery mode – Should the message be persisted to disk?
    • Context: queue implementation use
    • Value: non-persistent (1) or persistent (2)
  • Expiration – Expiration time after which the message will be deleted. The value of the expiration field describes the TTL period in milliseconds. Please see details below.
    • Context: queue implementation use
  • Headers – Arbitrary application-specific message headers.
    • Context: application use
  • Message ID – Message identifier as a string. If applications need to identify messages, it is recommended that they use this attribute instead of putting it into the message payload.
    • Context: application use
    • Value: any value
  • Priority – Message priority.
    • Context: queue implementation use
    • Values: 0 to 9
  • ReplyTo – Queue name other apps should send the response to. Commonly used to name a reply queue (or any other identifier that helps a consumer application to direct its response). Applications are encouraged to use this attribute instead of putting this information into the message payload.
    • Context: application use
    • Value: any value
  • Time-stamp – Timestamp of the moment when message was sent.
    • Context: application use
    • Value: Seconds since the Epoch.
  • Type – Message type, e.g. what type of event or command this message represents. Recommended to be used by applications instead of including this information into the message payload.
    • Context: application use
    • Value: Can be any string.
  • User ID – Optional user ID. Verified by RabbitMQ against the actual connection username.
    • Context: queue implementation use
    • Value: Should be authenticated user.

BTW, I’ve finally managed to review latest sever code (rabbitmq-server-3.1.5), there is an example in rabbit_stomp_test_util.erl:

                content_type     = <<"text/plain">>,
                content_encoding = <<"UTF-8">>,
                delivery_mode    = 2,
                priority         = 1,
                correlation_id   = <<"123">>,
                reply_to         = <<"something">>,
                expiration       = <<"my-expiration">>,
                message_id       = <<"M123">>,
                timestamp        = 123456,
                type             = <<"freshly-squeezed">>,
                user_id          = <<"joe">>,
                app_id           = <<"joe's app">>,
                headers          = [{<<"str">>, longstr, <<"foo">>},
                                    {<<"int">>, longstr, <<"123">>}]

Good to know somebody wants to know all the details. Because it is much better to use well-known message attributes when possible instead of placing information in the message body. BTW, basic message properties are far from being clear and useful. I would say it is better to use a custom one.

enter image description here

Good example (source)

enter image description here

Update – Expiration field

Important note: expiration belongs to queue context. So message might be dropped by the servers.

enter image description here

README says the following:

expiration is a shortstr; since RabbitMQ will expect this to be
an encoded string, we translate a ttl to the string representation
of its integer value.


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