Running 100 virtual machines on a single VMWare host server

Yes you can. Even for some Windows 2003 workloads as little as 384MiB suffices, so 512MiB is a pretty good estimation, be it a little high. RAM should not be a problem, neither should CPU.

A 100 VMs is a bit steep, but it is doable, especially if the VMs are not going to be very busy. We easily run 60 servers (Windows 2003 and RHEL) on a single ESX server.

Assuming you are talking about VMware ESX, you should also know that is able to overcommit memory. VMs hardly ever use their full appointed memory ration, so ESX can commit more than the available amount of RAM to VMs and run more VMs than it actually ‘officially’ has RAM for.

Most likely your bottlenech will not be CPU or RAM, but IO. VMware boasts huge amounts of IOPS in their marketing, but when push comes to shove, SCSI reservation conflicts and limited bandwidth will stop you dead way before you’ll come close to the IOPS VMware brags about.

Anyway, we are not experiencing the 20 VM performance degradation. What version of ESX are you using?

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