Should I use EJB3 or Spring for my business layer?

There won’t be much difference between EJB3 and Spring based on Performance. We chose Spring for the following reasons (not mentioned in the question):

  • Spring drives the architecture in a direction that more readily supports unit testing. For example, inject a mock DAO object to unit test your business layer, or utilize Spring’s MockHttpRequest object to unit test a servlet. We maintain a separate Spring config for unit tests that allows us to isolate tests to the specific layers.
  • An overriding driver was compatibility. If you need to support more than one App Server (or eventually want the option to move from JBoss to Glassfish, etc.), you will essentially be carrying your container (Spring) with you, rather than relying on compatibility between different implementations of the EJB3 specification.
  • Spring allows for technology choices for Persistence, object remoting, etc. For example, we are also using a Flex front end, and are using the Hessian protocol for communications between Flex and Spring.

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