Slim Framework for beginners [closed]

After 3 years, It is time to add some updates to this answer. A lot has changed in slim framework (and even PHP) during this time.

Slim version 3 has been released and brought some major changes to it. In my tests, It is slightly slower and tad more complicated than slim 2, But architecture wise, it is much better, secure, suited for both large projects and small website alike.
Also, PHP has adopted really good standardization in form of PSR which I think everyone should start to adopt. Object-oriented implementation is improved a lot in 3 years and with the release of PHP 7, I don’t miss my Java days anymore.

Some links to getting started.

Treehouse and few others have made some tutorials on Slim 2 as mentioned in comments, they are worth looking. Slim 3 is yet to have a beginner’s tutorial videos but framework in itself is simple to understand. For simple websites, I would still recommend Slim 2 for those not really an experienced programmer. But if someone is trying to build a big professional application/product, Use Slim 3.

older answer

I will agree that slim lacks certain attentions in terms of documentation and guides. There is still no great tutorial for it, but if you have good pickup skills, Let me point you to the only worthwhile thing I found on net.

This is Presentation on the slim framework. Not a complete tutorials but it does explain certain basics to use the framework. It has helped me when I first picked up the framework.
It is a Presentation By Jeremy Kendall.

The Slides can be found on slideshare.

The video is 43 min long but it is worth.

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