Solution to route/proxy SNMP Traps (or Netflow, generic UDP, etc) for network monitoring?

A co-worker just showed me samplicator. This tool looks to be just about a perfect solution what I was looking for. From the tool’s website:

This simple program listens for UDP
datagrams on a network port, and sends
copies of these datagrams on to a set
of destinations. Optionally, it can
perform sampling, i.e. rather than
forwarding every packet, forward only
1 in N. Another option is that it can
“spoof” the IP source address, so that
the copies appear to come from the
original source, rather than the
relay. Currently only supports IPv4.

It can been used to distribute e.g.
Netflow packets, SNMP traps (but not
informs), or Syslog messages to
multiple receivers.

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