Swagger/OpenAPI – use $ref to pass a reusable defined parameter

This feature already exists in Swagger 2.0. The linked ticket talks about some specific mechanics of it which doesn’t affect the functionality of this feature.

At the top level object (referred to as the Swagger Object), there’s a parameters property where you can define reusable parameters. You can give the parameter any name, and refer to it from paths/specific operations. The top level parameters are just definitions and are not applied to all operations in the spec automatically.

You can find an example for it here – https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-spec/blob/master/fixtures/v2.0/json/resources/reusableParameters.json – even with a limit parameter.

In your case, you’d want to do this:

# define a path with parameter reference
         - $ref: "#/parameters/limitParam"
         - $ref: "#/parameters/offsetParam"

# define reusable parameters:
      name: limit
      in: query
      description: Limits the number of returned results
      required: false
      type: integer
      format: int32
      name: offset
      in: query
      description: Offset from which start returned results
      required: false
      type: integer
      format: int32

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