Pair programming means double cost per developer. Is it worth that money? [closed]

How do you know your unpaired programmers are any more efficient ? I sometimes think the single/pair is comparable to the old fairytale of the rabbit and the tortoise. Pairing doesn’t drift off into days of counter-productive work. I have no idea of how often I’ve seen developers spending weeks working on stuff that later … Read more

Giving estimates for large scale projects in an Agile Environment [closed]

Here’s the fundamental question. When will the client think they’re done? If they think they’ll be done by June, then you put an Agile team in place. That’s 4-6 people for 6 months. That’s the budget. Essentially, you do the multiplication for them. team * rate * 6 months. If they think they’ll be mostly … Read more

What are Epics in regard of features and backlog items in Team Foundation? [closed]

The general consensus is that: Product backlog Item is something that can be delivered in a single sprint. Feature is something that can’t be delivered in a single sprint, but that can be delivered in a single release. Epic is something that transcends releases. Theme is a cross cutting concern. Theme is generally implemented as … Read more

What is the difference between a User Story and a Feature in Agile terminology? [closed]

Yes, something like a subset. This article is a good read: Features vs Stories Excerpt: I realized today that I hadn’t made explicit the difference in my mind between features and stories and it’s an important difference. Essentially, a feature is a group of stories that are related and deliver a package of functionality that … Read more

What is the difference between Sprint and Iteration in Scrum and length of each Sprint? [closed]

All sprints are iterations but not all iterations are sprints. Iteration is a common term in iterative and incremental development (IID). Scrum is one specialized flavor of IID so it makes sense to specialize the terminology as well. It also helps brand the methodology different from other IID methodologies 🙂 As to the sprint length: … Read more