Unable to start service Intent: not found

Solved I deleted the period in the beginning of the package name in the manifest and it worked, in another words: This doesn’t work: .yourPackage.YourClass But this does work: yourPackage.YourClass And in the main: Intent intent = new Intent(this, MoodyService.class); this.startService(intent); But it goes against what is written in the documentation: android:name The name of … Read more

Can you use a LoaderManager from a Service?

Does anyone know why LoaderManager was excluded from Service? As stated in the other answer, LoaderManager was explicitly designed to manage Loaders through the lifecycles of Acivities and Fragments. Since Services do not have these configuration changes to deal with, using a LoaderManager isn’t necessary. If not is there a way around this? Yes, the … Read more

Android Library Manifest vs. App Manifest

Using a Library Project means that my overall project will have two manifests — one for the library and the other for the “main” app project — and I’m not clear what goes in which or if there is some redundancy. The library project manifest is not presently used. Gradle for Android, and therefore Android … Read more

Using Job Scheduler in Android API

from now on (after I/O 2015), you can also use new GcmNetworkManager. How to use it and how it works is described here – https://developers.google.com/cloud-messaging/network-manager It does a lot cool stuff like it persists your tasks trough reboots. On Lolipop it uses JobScheduler, on pre-Lolipop it uses it’s own implementation. EDIT: An example code on … Read more

Get rid of “Exported service does not require permission” warning

The warning is telling you that you have exported (ie: made publicly available) a service without securing it with a permission. This makes your service available to any other applications without restrictions. See Exported service does not require permission: what does it mean? If your service doesn’t need to be available to other applications, you … Read more