After updating to Android Studio Arctic Fox, I cannot use any custom theme

Follow Simple Steps to Fix this Rename the {path-of-android-studio}/lib/gson-2.7.jar file to gson-2.7.jar.disabled. Restart Studio. where {path-of-android-studio} is by default C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio on Windows and /Applications/Android on Mac. The fix will be included in the next minor release of the 2020.3.1 Arctic Fox. Found From issue-tracker

It will always be more efficient to use more specific change events if you can. Rely on notifyDataSetChanged as a last resort. RecycleView

It means that if you need to change the whole item list at once in the recyclerview, then use notifyDataSetChanged(). If you need to change the specific item, then it’s better to use notifyItemChanged(position) so that it won’t refresh & rebind the whole dataset which can impact the performance if the dataset is large. So … Read more