Cannot declaremodule in an NgModule as it’s not a part of the current compilation Angular

When importing modules in Angular it should be placed under the imports array not declarations. declarations: [ AppComponent, // ReactiveFormsModule—remove from declarations and add in import because its is imported // FormsModule`enter code here`—remove from declarations and add in import ], imports: [ ReactiveFormsModule, FormsModule ]

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert object to primitive value(zone-evergreen.js:171)

This issue seems to be related to jQuery 3.5.0. It is a breaking change that affects many plugins. Temporarily reverting to a previous version of jQuery (like 3.4.1) fixed the issue for me. Source: jQuery Issue #4665 Update: jQuery 3.5.1 reverts the breaking change and should be safe to use. Announcement: jQuery 3.5.1 Released: Fixing … Read more

TimeoutException: The Angular CLI process did not start listening for requests within the timeout period of 0 seconds

TL;DR Sadly the issue seems related to some changes in the way Angular CLI starts up the angular part of the application. As per this issue: proposed solutions are to set progress: true in angular.json or perform a simple echo prior to ng serve ( Full answer I dug the core code base … Read more

This class is visible to consumers via SomeModule -> SomeComponent, but is not exported from the top-level library entrypoint

This error happens if any component is exported in NgModuleand not included in your public_api.ts, Angular 9 will throw an error now. This error was not coming in Angular 8 but after upgrading to Angular 9 it started showing. If you exported any service, module or component, etc in NgModule make sure to include them … Read more