Spring JDBC connection pool best practices

C3PO and DBCP development have stalled mostly because they are mature. I have seen both of these drivers be able to support hundreds of transactions per second. The Tomcat pool is a reworked & updated DBCP driver. MyBatis 3.0 also contains it’s own pooling implementation which, based on code inspection, seems solid. Finally, there’s BoneCP … Read more

tomcat-dbcp vs commons-dbcp

Tomcat DBCP is just a renamed version of Apache Commons DBCP, with also a different internal package name prefix. At build time, Tomcat fetches the Commons DBCP sources (the version depends on the Tomcat version, for instance Tomcat 7.0.27 uses Commons DBCP 1.4), and does package name replacement (org.apache.commons -> org.apache.tomcat.dbcp) and builds the result … Read more

DBCP – validationQuery for different Databases

There is not only one validationQuery for all databases. On each database you have to use different validationQuery. After few hours of googling and testing I have collected this table: Database validationQuery notes hsqldb – select 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SYSTEM_USERS Oracle – select 1 from dual DB2 – select 1 from sysibm.sysdummy1 mysql – /* ping … Read more

Connection pooling options with JDBC: DBCP vs C3P0 [closed]

DBCP is out of date and not production grade. Some time back we conducted an in-house analysis of the two, creating a test fixture which generated load and concurrency against the two to assess their suitability under real life conditions. DBCP consistently generated exceptions into our test application and struggled to reach levels of performance … Read more