Websockets in microservices architecture

Websockets A websocket connection opened by a client must eventually connect to a websocket server. API Gateway The job of the API gateway is to accept an incoming websocket connection from a client and correctly route it to a websocket server. An API gateway will redirect ALL data sent from a client websocket to the … Read more

What is the difference between API Gateway and ESB?

An API Gateway is a proxy provided for the client. The Gateway gives the client a consistent interface regardless of any changes within the internal system. It allows the internal system to change without affecting the client. The API Gateway can also provide consistent cross-cutting concerns such as security logging, reporting and API analytics. An … Read more

What is Upstream and Downstream services in a microservices based architecture?

Definition 1: The direction of action Upstream: receiving requests from / sending responses to A service upstream is calling me. Downstream: making requests to / receiving responses from I am calling a service downstream. Definition 2: The direction of dependency Upstream: making requests to / receiving responses from I am calling a service upstream. Downstream: … Read more