How to publish artifacts in Travis CI?

GitHub releases step-by-step The method was mentioned at, and is poorly documented at: , so here goes a more detailed step-by-step. It uploads artifacts to GitHub releases<username>/<repo>/releases which exist for every Git tag you push. Get a Personal Access Token under Only enable “public_repo” access for public repositories, “repo” for private. … Read more

Why is a Safari page breaking iOS rendering?

This memory leaks is probably due to how ‘WebKit’s JS Engine’ works [safari webkit-javascript llvm] and really looks like to be a virtual memory buffer-overflow, having a direct impact on the remaining RAM (shared and used also by iOS to store User Interface graphical elements) Relatively to the piece of code: “[…]finding jQuery memory leaks … Read more

How to manually deploy artifacts in Nexus Repository Manager OSS 3

I’m using maven deploy file. mvn deploy:deploy-file \ -DartifactId=my-artifact-id \ -Dversion= \ -Dpackaging=jar \ -Dfile=foo.jar \ -DgeneratePom=true \ -DrepositoryId=my-repo \ -Durl= UPDATE: As stated in comments using quotes in url cause NoSuchElementException But I have add server config in my maven (~/.m2/settings.xml). <servers> <server> <id>my-repo</id> <username>admin</username> <password>admin123</password> </server> </servers> References: Maven Apache – Guide … Read more

How do I force Maven to use my local repository rather than going out to remote repos to retrieve artifacts?

The dependency has a snapshot version. For snapshots, Maven will check the local repository and if the artifact found in the local repository is too old, it will attempt to find an updated one in the remote repositories. That is probably what you are seeing. Note that this behavior is controlled by the updatePolicy directive … Read more