Test discovery failure when tests in different directories are called the same

Putting an __init__.py is one way of resolving the conflict. Unlike nose, current pytest does not try to unload test modules in order to import test modules with the same import name. I used to think it’s a bit magic to do this auto-unimporting and might mess up people’s expectation from what the import mechanism … Read more

What is ‘_autodiscover._tcp’ in DNS settings?

SRV DNS records allow the use of DNS for publishing services and service discovery. Their main use is to allow services to run easily on non-standard ports and to reduce the configuration burden when setting up clients. A SRV record has the following form: _Service._Protocol.Name. TTL Class SRV Priority Weight Port Target Service: the symbolic … Read more

How discoverable are IPv6 addresses and AAAA names by potential attackers?

Malicious bots don’t guess IPv4 addresses anymore. They simply try them all. On modern systems this can take as little as a few hours. With IPv6, this is not really possible any longer, as you’ve surmised. The address space is so much larger that it’s not even possible to brute-force scan a single /64 subnet … Read more