Where to go to see if my IP is blacklisted as a SPAM

MxToolbox has a web-based blacklist check tool that’s a good starting point. The Domain Name System Blacklists (DNSBL) and Anti-Abuse Multi-RBL Check are other great free resources for this purpose. DNSstuff also has a subscription based service called RBLalerts that will monitor 130+ blacklists for an IP address you specify and notify you if it … Read more

What are the best methods for catching snowshoe spam?

Is this becoming a real problem for your users? I’d recommend a full-on mail filtering service at this point. Bayesian isn’t really that hot anymore. Reputation, RBL, header/intent-analysis and other factors seem to help more. Consider a cloud filtering service to combine multiple approaches (and collective volume) to provide better protection (I use Barracuda’s ESS … Read more

Use IPtables or null route for blacklisting about 1 million IP addresses?

try using iptables and building multi-level tree to decrease number of lookups. iptables -N rules_0_0_0_0_2 iptables -N rules_64_0_0_0_2 iptables -N rules_128_0_0_0_2 iptables -N rules_192_0_0_0_2 iptables -N rules_0_0_0_0_4 iptables -N rules_16_0_0_0_4 iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 80 -s -j rules_0_0_0_0_2 iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 80 -s -j rules_64_0_0_0_2 iptables -A INPUT … Read more