2 DSL lines…any benefit?

There are “multi-WAN” or “dual WAN” routers that can perform some rudimentary load-balancing and failover using multiple Internet connections. There are a variety of price-points and feature sets, so you’d do well to shop around and compare reviews. You’ll never get the full bandwidth of both Internet connections to be “shared” for a single TCP … Read more

How to identify NICs that are connected to the same switch from a Linux box?

The switches may already be sending you the information you want. If they are Cisco switches, by default they will be using a process called CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) which will provide you information about the switch where it is connected. You can use tcpdump to view this information with the following (substituting the appropriate … Read more

Why does my gigabit bond not deliver at least 150 MB/s throughput?

I had a similar problem trying to raise the speed of a drbd synchronization over two gigabit links some time ago. In the end I managed to get about 150MB/sec synch speed. These were the settings that I applied on both nodes: ifconfig bond0 mtu 9000 ifconfig bond0 txqueuelen 10000 echo 3000 > /proc/sys/net/core/netdev_max_backlog You … Read more