Redis backed ASP.NET SessionState provider [closed]

I’ve created a Redis-based SessionStateStoreProvider that can be found on GitHub using ServiceStatck.Redis as the client (rather than Booksleeve). It can be installed via NuGet with Install-Package Harbour.RedisSessionStateStore. I found a few quirks with @NathanD’s approach. In my implementation, locks are stored with the session value rather than in a separate key (less round trips … Read more

Using SignalR with Redis messagebus failover using BookSleeve’s ConnectionUtils.Connect()

The SignalR team has now implemented support for a custom connection factory with StackExchange.Redis, the successor to BookSleeve, which supports redundant Redis connections via ConnectionMultiplexer. The initial problem encountered was that in spite of creating my own extension methods in BookSleeve to accept a collection of servers, fail-over was not possible. Now, with the evolution … Read more