Make persistent changes to init.rc

Unpack the uramdisk using following command in host PC(Linux) mkdir /tmp/initrc cd /tmp/initrd sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt sdb1 is partion where uramdisk/uInitrd resides. dd bs=1 skip=64 if=/mnt/uInitrd of=initrd.gz gunzip initrd.gz At this point running the command file initrd should show: mkdir fs cd fs cpio -id < ../initrd Make changes to init.rc Pack uramdisk using … Read more

How to start Solr automatically?

As you’re on a shared Linux box, you’ll have to ask the system administrator to do the following, probably. Create a startup script in /etc/init.d/solr. Copy this code, my Solr startup script, into that file: #!/bin/sh # Prerequisites: # 1. Solr needs to be installed at /usr/local/solr/example # 2. daemon needs to be installed # … Read more

What is the booting process for ARM?

Currently, there are two exception models in the ARM architecture (reset is considered a kind of exception): The classic model, used in pre-Cortex chip and current Cortex-A/R chips. In it, the memory at 0 contains several exception handlers: Offset Handler =============== 00 Reset 04 Undefined Instruction 08 Supervisor Call (SVC) 0C Prefetch Abort 10 Data … Read more

How to use systemd-firstboot.service?

I am a bit surprised you didn’t have this script in place from simply installing systemd, but (in general) I think the answer is that you should put it into /etc/systemd/system. In this situation (since you are doing all this to try and get a machine-id, in order to make journald work), I guess I … Read more

How do I mount sshfs at boot?

Currently, Upstart in Ubuntu does not generate network events. Instead it calls traditional sysvinit. By default NetworkManager is installed and running; rather than emit network events to upstart, it contains a run-parts dispatcher (/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/) which itself simply relies on ifupdown’s run-parts dispatcher (/etc/network/*.d/). In particular you care about /etc/network/if-up.d/ and /etc/network/if-down.d/ First set up a … Read more

How to remove old kernels on CentOS 6 (to free up boot partition)? [duplicate]

Taken from the following website ## Install yum utils ## yum install yum-utils ## Package-cleanup set count as how many old kernels you want left ## package-cleanup –oldkernels –count=2 This will remove all older kernels and keep only the two most recent kernels on centos 6.4 which is probably what you want since recent kernels … Read more