Hardware RAID controller cache battery failure frequency/lifetime?

I suspect your Supermicros are broken one way or the other – possibly the battery packs are overheating. Most recent LSIs would report the temperature through MegaCLI – you might want to monitor this value on servers which needed replacement. root@host:~/SOLARIS# ./MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuStatus -aALL BBU status for Adapter: 0 BatteryType: BBU […] Temperature: 41 … Read more

SQL Server – Force DB in memory?

No, there’s not a way to force a database into cache, unfortunately. Your brute force method is probably the most straightforward. You might be able to get closer by using index defrag scripts with a very low threshold setting, like saying rebuild the index if it’s 1% fragmented, like this: http://sqlserverpedia.com/wiki/Index_Maintenance It’ll take longer and … Read more

Nginx caching symlinks

Embedded Variables, $realpath_root: an absolute pathname corresponding to the root or alias directive’s value for the current request, with all symbolic links resolved to real paths The solution of using $realpath_root instead of $document_root is copy-pasted all around the Q/A sites and forums; it is actually hard to avoid finding it.Yet, I’ve only seen it … Read more

Nginx not caching data

You didn’t tell NGINX for how much time the response is valid and must be served from cache. This must be specified with proxy_cache_valid directive. proxy_cache one; proxy_cache_key $host$uri$is_args$args; proxy_cache_valid 200 10m; But, this won’t work for POST requests because you have no cache key that differs from a POST request to another on the … Read more

Is there a way to get Cache Hit/Miss ratios for block devices in Linux?

You can develop your own SystemTap script. You need to account the following two subsystems: VFS: this represents all I/O requests before the Buffer cache (i.e. absolutely every I/O request); review the “vfs.read”, “vfs.write” and the “kernel.function(“vfs_*”)” probes; you need to filter out the block devices you want to monitor by their respective major+minor numbers. … Read more