No Cache-Control Header for files from AWS CloudFront with S3 Origin

I’ve hit a few pages in Google where you can set the Header in S3 for individual objects. That’s really not a productive way to do it specially since in my case we are talking of several objects. Well, “productive” or not, that is how it actually is designed to work. CloudFront does not add … Read more

How do I remove a specific bad plan from the SQL Server query cache?

I figured out a few things select * from sys.dm_exec_query_stats will show all the cached query plans. Unfortunately, no SQL text is shown there. However, you can join the SQL text to the plans like so: select plan_handle, creation_time, last_execution_time, execution_count, qt.text FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text (qs.[sql_handle]) AS qt From here it’s pretty … Read more

Which PHP (opcode) cache one should use and why?

The products you list serve different purposes. OPCode caches There are many PHP Accelerators (OPCaches) as seen on this Wikipedia list. As is common with open source products, they are all fairly similar. XCache is the lighttp PHP accelerator, and is the default choice when you are running that HTTPd. It works well with Apache … Read more

Disable caching when serving static files with Nginx (for development)

Since the answer is somehow hidden in the question – here is the solution for nginx in a VirtualBox environment as standalone answer. In your nginx config (usally /etc/nginx/nginx.conf) or vhost config file change the sendfile parameter to off: sendfile off; While sendfile is at the heart of Nginx’s fame (blazing-fast low-level static file serving … Read more

How do I clear Chrome’s SSL cache?

Chrome stores SSL certificate state per host in browser history. So just clear browser history (Ctrl+Shift+Del), at least the following parts: Cached images and files Hosted app data Content licenses Cookies and other site data, for Chrome version 64 Solution 2. If the above doesn’t help, try this: Close Chrome, kill all chrome background processes … Read more