What’s the difference between rapidSSL and geotrust certificates? [closed]

The job of the SSL certificate authority(CA)/provider is to validate your organizational identity so that when customers access your web site, they not only get the padlock for security, but they know that your identity as the fully qualified hostname are authentic and not some phishing scam. True, most all users look no further than … Read more

Replacing sick NTP server source and re-synching (with internal time currently 2 minutes late)

Unless extremely accurate timekeeping is mission-critical for you there should be no discernible effect for your users, aside from their clocks changing by 2 minutes. The possible exception is if they declare your NTP server to be “insane” as a result of the large change (which would require you to restart the NTP service on … Read more

Where to get root CA certificates for Windows Server now that Microsoft no longer updates them?

It seems that this is due to the oddball GPO that my company uses. As outlined here the GPO setting Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Internet Communication Management\Turn off Automatic Root Certificates Update was Enabled, meaning that the OS wouldn’t pull root CAs from Microsoft. Setting this to Disabled fixed the issue.

What happens to code sign certificates when when root CA expires?

But what happens if my CA itself expires (root CA an thus issuing CAs)? Literally, nothing. Let’s explain it a bit in more details. If the signature is not timestamped, the signature is valid as long as: data is not tampered signing certificate is time valid neither certificate in the chain is revoked root certificate … Read more

Windows 2008 R2 CA and auto-enrollment: how to get rid of >100,000 issued certificates?

I haven’t tried this, but there is a PKI PowerShell provider from https://pspki.codeplex.com/ that has a lot of interesting looking functions like Revoke-Certificate followed by Remove-Request: Deletes specified certificate request row from Certification Authority (CA) Database. This command can be used to reduce CA database size, by deleting unnecessary certificate requests. For example, delete failed … Read more

Is this SSL certificate chain broken and how to fix it?

If the chain is sufficient depends on the CA store of the client. It looks like Firefox and Google Chrome have included the certificate for “COMODO RSA Certification Authority” end of 2014. For Internet Explorer it probably depends on the underlying OS. The CA might not yet be included in trust stores used by non-browsers, … Read more

Difference between Microsoft ADCS Standalone CA and Enterprise CA

There is significant difference between Standalone and Enterprise CAs and each have its usage scenario. Enterprise CAs This type of CAs offer the following features: tight integration with Active Directory When you install Enterprise CA in AD forest, it is automatically published to AD and each AD forest memeber can immediately communicate with CA to … Read more