How to know a buffered channel is full

You can use the select statement with a default. In case it is not possible to do any of the cases, like sending to a full channel, the statement will do the default: package main import “fmt” func main() { ch := make(chan int, 1) // Fill it up ch <- 1 select { case … Read more

What’s the difference between “

Both will work indeed. But one will be more constraining. The form with the arrow pointing away from the chan keyword means that the returned channel will only be able to be pulled from by client code. No pushing allowed : the pushing will be done by the random number generator function. Conversely, there’s a … Read more

How are Go channels implemented?

The source file for channels is (from your go source code root) in /src/pkg/runtime/chan.go. hchan is the central data structure for a channel, with send and receive linked lists (holding a pointer to their goroutine and the data element) and a closed flag. There’s a Lock embedded structure that is defined in runtime2.go and that … Read more

Does WebRTC use TCP or UDP?

It can use either. By default, preference is given to UDP, but depending on the firewall(s) in between the peers connecting it may only be able to connect with TCP. You can use Wireshark to capture packets and verify whether TCP or UDP is being used. In Chrome you can also see details on the … Read more

What is channel buffer size?

The buffer size is the number of elements that can be sent to the channel without the send blocking. By default, a channel has a buffer size of 0 (you get this with make(chan int)). This means that every single send will block until another goroutine receives from the channel. A channel of buffer size … Read more