How to authenticate Linux accounts against an Active Directory and mount a Windows share on login?

[Edit] I’ve since tested this the full release of Ubuntu 10.04 Server (21/May/2010). I’ve configured my Ubuntu 10.04 Server LTS residing on a windows network to authenticate logins using active directory, then mount a windows share to serve as there home directory. Here is what I did starting from the initial installation of Ubuntu. Download … Read more

How do I pass credential file to mount.cifs?

Syntax of mount.cifs: mount.cifs {service} {mount-point} [-o options] You need to pass the options after the “-o”. For example, with your given options, your command should be: mount.cifs // /mnt/cifs_share \ -o user,uid=65001,rw,workgroup=DEV,credentials=/root/.cifs (I didn’t test the options you gave.)

Permanently mount network share without the need for log on? (Windows)

This apparently possible, according to this StackOverflow post. Before posting the content of the answer, however, can I suggest that you’re over-complicating this? In situations like this where some crappy piece of code needs a user logged on to run (like Domino server, grumble) I’ve created a service account that’s to always be logged in … Read more

Mount Remote CIFS/SMB Share as a Folder not a Drive Letter

Just to map a network share directory you would use this command: net use \\Server\ShareName\Directory This mapping would: not be persistent would have to be established and authenticated at user login you would access the share using the UNC path, and not a local drive letter If you want to access the network share through … Read more

Mount CIFS Host is down

This could also be because of a protocol mismatch. In 2017 Microsoft patched Windows Servers and advised to disable the SMB1 protocol. From now on, mount.cifs might have problems with the protocol negotiation. The error displayed is “Host is down.”, but when you do debug with: smbclient -L <server_ip> -U <username> -d 256 you will … Read more