How to handle java variable length arguments in clojure?

Since Java varargs are actually arrays, you can call vararg functions in Clojure by passing an array. You could convert a Clojure seq (maybe by using Clojure’s variety of variable argument functions) into an array: (TestClass/aStaticFunction (into-array Integer [(int 1),(int 2)])) or (defn a-static-function-wrapper [& args] (TestClass/aStaticFunction (into-array Integer args)) Or make an array and … Read more

Why does Clojure have 5 ways to define a class instead of just one?

This is a mix of three different factors: The particular type system of the jvm The need for slightly different semantics for different use cases when defining types The fact that some of these were developed earlier, and some later, as the language has evolved. So first, let’s consider what these do. deftype and gen-class … Read more

Calling clojure from java

Update: Since this answer was posted, some of the tools available have changed. After the original answer, there is an update including information on how to build the example with current tools. It isn’t quite as simple as compiling to a jar and calling the internal methods. There do seem to be a few tricks … Read more