cloud-init: What is the execution order of cloud-config directives?

From (thanks to garbelini) (As of Sep 2017 the above link is incorrect and is now, see note below) # The modules that run in the ‘init’ stage cloud_init_modules: – migrator – ubuntu-init-switch – seed_random – bootcmd – write-files – growpart – resizefs – set_hostname – update_hostname – update_etc_hosts – ca-certs – rsyslog … Read more

Why do people use Puppet/Chef with Amazon Cloud Formation instead of just using CloudInit?

Is there an advantage over CloudInit? Yes, absolutely, many of them! Sure, you can write top to bottom run once CloudInit scripts to provision a server. But what happens when you need to change a configuration file, add a user, update a package, or install a new package? You will end up logging into servers … Read more