Creating an x509 v3 user certificate by signing CSR

You need to specify an extensions file. For example: openssl x509 -days 365 -in myCSR.csr -extfile v3.ext -CA myCA.crt -CAkey myCA.key -CAcreateserial -out userCertificate.crt The extensions file (v3.ext) can look like this: authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid,issuer basicConstraints=CA:FALSE keyUsage = digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment

What RSA key length should I use for my SSL certificates?

As of 2020, RSA keys should be 2048 bits. 1024 bits 1024 bits RSA certificates are obsolete and not accepted by browsers. Firefox stopped accepting 1024 bits RSA certificates in 2014. Certificate authorities stopped delivering 1024 bits RSA certificates in 2014 or before. See GlobalSign or Comodo notice. 1024 bits keys were deprecated because they … Read more

Does it matter where the CSR and key files for SSL certification are generated?

Your understanding is correct. All other things being equal, it doesn’t matter; but there are wrinkles. One advantage to generating them on the server in question is it minimises the chance of the key being compromised in transit. As long as you use a secure machine to generate them, and a secure method (immune to … Read more

Can I reuse a SSL CSR?

As long as your using the same key, domain (aka common-name), contact details and validity period you should be able to use the same CSR. Though to be honest generating a CSR is a pretty simple job, so if you need to amend the contact details (which a lot of SSL providers are strict on) … Read more

What is a challenge password?

The “challenge password” requested as part of the CSR generation, is different from the passphrase used to encrypt the secret key (requested at key generation time, or when a plaintext key is later encrypted – and then requested again each time the SSL-enabled service that uses it starts up). Here’s a key being generated, and … Read more