What is difference between DVM and ART ? Why DVM has been officially replaced with ART in Lollipop?

There are some major performance improvements that ART brings which were lacking in Dalvik. But every pros have some cons too. I will try to discuss both the advantages and disadvantages here. 1) Compilation Approach This is by far the biggest advantage of ART over Dalvik. The old guy Dalvik used Just-In-Time (JIT) approach in … Read more

Plugins architecture for an Android app? [closed]

I have done a framework that works like Robo-guice with some of its primary IoC functions. (Cut down on boilerplate codes that load views/service etc…) But the core of which, I believe is the solution to your problem, is the ability to load separate APK “plugin” files, that includes “res” as well as <layouts>.xml files. … Read more

Does the Android ART runtime have the same method limit limitations as Dalvik?

The issue is not with the Dalvik runtime nor the DEX file format, but with the current set of Dalvik instructions. Specifically, the various method invocation methods, which look like this: invoke-kind {vC, vD, vE, vF, vG}, meth@BBBB B: method reference index (16 bits) You can reference a very large number of methods in a … Read more

Dalvik VM & Java Memory Model (Concurrent programming on Android)

I haven’t read your question completely, but first of all do not use volatile, even opengles coders do not use it for different ui vs renderer threads. Use volatile if and only if one thread writes (say to some class’ static property) and other reads, even then you have to synchronize, read this for some … Read more