Frontend tool to manage H2 database [closed]

I like SQuirreL SQL Client, and NetBeans is very useful; but more often, I just fire up the built-in and browse port 8082: $ java -cp /opt/h2/bin/h2.jar -help Starts the H2 Console (web-) server, TCP, and PG server. Usage: java When running without options, -tcp, -web, -browser and -pg are started. Options … Read more

Cannot drop PostgreSQL role. Error: `cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it`

DROP USER (or DROP ROLE, same thing) cannot proceed while the role still owns anything or has any granted privileges on other objects. Get rid of all privileges with DROP OWNED (which isn’t too obvious from the wording). The manual: […] Any privileges granted to the given roles on objects in the current database and … Read more

How do you interview a Database Programmer/ Admin applicant?

Here’s my top 10 interview questions for senior database administrators, and here’s Tom LaRock’s top 10 questions for junior DBAs. I’ve noticed other people suggest that the candidate should troubleshoot a server. If you take that approach, use a virtual machine with a snapshot. Set up a server a specific way with certain config or … Read more

How to calculate max_connections for PostgreSQL and default_pool_size for pgbouncer?

First, please read our canonical question on Capacity Planning. The specific advice you’re asking for is capacity planning advice, and you’re going to have to work that out on your own, for your particular environment. Second, You are looking at this wrong. The amount of memory (or any other resource) you have doesn’t dictate the … Read more