How to ‘re-balance’ data in zfs? (Make sure the data is spread amongst all striped mirrors)

Only newly written (appended) data is split between all currently active vdevs, there is no explicit rebalance operation in ZFS. Two possible solutions: Wait until all old data is written again (because of CoW, this can take a very long time, in the worst case double the time it would take to write the disk … Read more

How do I recover free space on deleted files without restarting the referencing processes?

find /proc/*/fd -ls 2> /dev/null | grep ‘(deleted)’ Find all opened file descriptors. Grep deleted. StdError to /dev/null Output: 160448715 0 lrwx—— 1 user user 64 Nov 29 15:34 /proc/28680/fd/113 -> /tmp/vteT3FWPX\ (deleted) Or you can use awk find /proc/*/fd -ls 2> /dev/null | awk ‘/deleted/ {print $11}’; awk output(tested in bash Ubuntu 12.04): /proc/28680/fd/113 … Read more

“No space left on device” error despite having plenty of space, on btrfs

Welcome to the world of BTRFS. It has some tantalizing features but also some infuriating issues. First off, some info on your setup, it looks like you have four drives in a BTRFS “raid 10” volume (so all data is stored twice on different disks). This BTRFS volume is then carved up into subvolumes on … Read more