Creating a grow-on-demand encrypted volume with LUKS

Yes! It looks like it’s possible. Let’s check how it can be achieved. Note that this doesn’t create a true grow-on-demand filesystem, as when the filesystem reaches the max size of the sparse file, it will report ‘out of space’ errors if more data still needs to be written. Initially, I was investigating Thin Provisioning, … Read more

How to use “Instance Store Volumes” storage in Amazon EC2?

The use of instance-local storage that is not persistent when an instance is stopped is pretty simple: It’s a very large chunk of space useful for transient things. They’re the perfect target for mounting to /tmp, and is extremely useful if your server handles very large files transiently. For example, if you were building a … Read more

How to mount volume with specific UID in Kubernetes Pod?

There is no way to set the UID using the definition of Pod, but Kubernetes saves the UID of sourced volume. So, you can set the UID by InitContainer, which launches before the main container, just add it to the containers path of the Deployment: initContainers: – name: volume-mount-hack image: busybox command: [“sh”, “-c”, “chown … Read more