How to create own domain extension? [closed]

You can’t. Only IANA can. Management of most top-level domains is delegated to responsible organizations by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which operates the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and is in charge of maintaining the DNS root zone. Here’s a list of available TLDs:

How to enable named/bind/DNS full logging? [closed]

I usually expand each log out into its own channel and then to a separate log file, certainly makes things easier when you are trying to debug specific issues. So my logging section looks like the following: logging { channel default_file { file “/var/log/named/default.log” versions 3 size 5m; severity dynamic; print-time yes; }; channel general_file … Read more

Why do browsers not use SRV records?

The RFC for SRV records specifies that it may not be used by pre-existing protocols which did not already specify the use of SRV records in their specifications. I.e. no SRV in the HTTP spec – browsers are, by the SRV standard, prohibited from using it. This does not prohibit a new HTTP 1.2 standard … Read more

Node.js, Cygwin and walk into a bar… Node.js throws ENOBUFS and everyone dies

OK, I digged around a bit, and after your second edit I found this bug on the issue list. I doesn’t state whether this was encountered under cygwin or not, but the error that it is hitting leads down to this piece of code: uint16_t * twobytebuf = new uint16_t[buflen]; str->Write(twobytebuf, 0, buflen, String::HINT_MANY_WRITES_EXPECTED); for … Read more