Single server, nginx as a reverse proxy, multiple domains/websites

Normally you create a new config file /etc/nginx/sites-available/newserver.conf for the new server and link it from /etc/nginx/sites-enabled. To use nginx as reverse proxy, you configure SSL in nginx (ssl_certificate, …) and in the location section you use proxy_pass to the non SSL server at localhost. proxy_redirect is also needed, but that only modifies the Location … Read more

What is the ‘cacert.pem’ and for what to use that?

cacert.pem is a collection of trusted root certification authorities. You can’t use these to secure your own site. There are a number of reasons, but mainly: you don’t have the matching private key. You site certificate contains a public key that is used by the client to encrypt messages to your server that can only … Read more

OpenLDAP, Samba and password aging

I wrote my own OpenLDAP overlay called shadowlastchange to update the shadowLastChange attribute whenever an EXOP password change occurs. It is activated in slapd.conf: moduleload smbk5pwd moduleload shadowlastchange … database bdb … overlay smbk5pwd overlay shadowlastchange I have configured smb.conf to change passwords via EXOP: ldap passwd sync = Only Then, for each account, set … Read more

Will I lose my .fr second-level domain once I am no longer a resident of Europe?

Although I wouldn’t be surprised if in practice the registration requirements are only checked on registration and not for renewals, you don’t have to lose your domain when you leave Europe. A number of registrars provide trustee services that allow the registration of a .FR domain to people/organisations that don’t qualify directly and your domain … Read more

Does transferring a domain transfers DNS records?

Generally, no. It’s important to understand that the domain only references a nameserver; the DNS records aren’t actually stored with the domain registration at all. When you transfer a domain name, most gaining registrars will leave the nameserver associated with the domain unchanged, so your DNS records will keep working as long as your DNS … Read more

How to share domain name with multiple servers?

Yes, its perfectly normal and an often used scenario. Just configure your, for example, Apache server with the same virtual host(s) on both webservers. Remember that hostname/domain is a separate thing from IP address, so server A will have one IP, server B will have another. To control which server you reach when typing the … Read more

Can I use the character ñ in a sub-domain?

Yes, you can use “español” as a subdomain as well as a domain. When a user types “españ” into their browser, it will be translated into Punycode and the request will be made to that URL which would look like “”. As a test, I set up that subdomain on one of my domains and … Read more