Domain objects/services and the Business Logic Layer

Different people use these terms in somewhat different ways, but here’s my take: 1) “Business” and “domain” are roughly synonyms. “Domain” is a bit more general in that it doesn’t make the assumption that you’re writing a business application. So if we were writing a scientific app or a game, we might prefer to refer … Read more

Difference between Transfer objects and Domain objects

DTOs don’t have any logic. They only have fields (state). They are used when transferring data from one layer/subsystem to another Domain objects can have logic (depending on whether you are using domain-driven design or have anemic data model) and they are usually related to the database structure. If using anemic data model (i.e. your … Read more

Differentiating between domain, model, and entity with respect to MVC

The terms are a bit vague I agree. I would use domain to refer to the business area you are dealing with. Like banking or insurance or what not. Then you have domain models. These are the things you deal with in that business domain, like for domain of banking you have accounts, customers, transfers … Read more