dpkg: warning: files list file for package ‘x’ missing

He fixed it reinstalling the files that appeared there. So you might want to try something like this: for package in $(apt-get upgrade 2>&1 |\ grep “warning: files list file for package ‘” |\ grep -Po “[^’\n ]+'” | grep -Po “[^’]+”); do apt-get install –reinstall “$package”; done Copy-paste friendly in one line: for package … Read more

Can dpkg verify files from an installed package?

I don’t thinks so, in Ubuntu md5 checksums are only stored for certain files. For any given package the list of files that have checksums can be found in /var/lib/dpkg/info/<package>.md5sums e.g /var/lib/dpkg/info/openssh-server.md5sums These generally don’t contain a complete list of the files that have been installed by a package e.g. openssh-server.md5sums bb5096cf79a43b479a179c770eae86d8 usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server 42da5b1c2de18ec8ef4f20079a601f28 usr/sbin/sshd … Read more

automate dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

You need to specify the frontend as `noninteractive’ and it will save your current settings. dpkg-reconfigure will take the current system settings as gospel, so simply change your timezone the way you would normally and run it with the non-interactive flag e.g. for me to change to “Europe/Dublin” where I am: # echo “Europe/Dublin” > … Read more

List of files installed from apt package

Note: in the following commands, a command beginning with ‘root#’ means it needs to be run as root. To find which files were installed by a package, use dpkg -L: $ dpkg -L $package apt-file can tell you which files will be installed by a package before installing it: root# apt-get install apt-file root# apt-file … Read more