How to recover from a drive failure in a RAID 5 configuration?

The system is running very slowly because it has to reconstruct the missing data which involves additional CPU and I/O. If you have a missing disk in a RAID-5 configuration you have no recovery strategy. If another disk goes down you will lose your data. Run, don’t walk, to the nearest vendor from which you … Read more

what is exactly an URE?

A URE is an Unrecoverable Read Error. Something has happened that has caused the reading of a sector to fail that the drive cannot fix. The drive electronics are sophisticated, they will only pass the data up if they have been able to read it correctly from the disk. The drive electronics will try multiple … Read more

Mean Time Between Failures — SSD

Drive manufacturers specify the reliability of their products in terms of two related metrics: the annualized failure rate (AFR), which is the percentage of disk drives in a population that fail in a test scaled to a per year estimation; and the mean time to failure (MTTF). The AFR of a new product is typically … Read more