Hosting multiple domains on a single email server with one IP

Both approaches are valid, do know that this record will not show as the originating address. When you send an email to one of your configured addresses, the sending MTA will look up the MX record configured for your domain. It will get the IP from that domain and it will open an SMTP session … Read more

Benefits of using a subdomain for sending email?

My question is: Is there any added benefit of sending automated email from an email address with a subdomain? I don’t think there are many technical reasons why a subdomain is required or necessarily better for deliverability of emails. That being said, having/using subdomains can sometimes make things easier for large organizations because: As an … Read more

NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from on freebsd and postfix

FYI, 454 4.7.1 < Relay access denied; was the result of defer_unauth_destination. It’s slightly different with reject_unauth_destination, with reject means permanent error with code 550 and defer means temporary error with code 450. But wait…, I don’t have any parameter that use defer_unauth_destination. Where does the weird restriction come from? Actually, postfix has one hidden … Read more

Can an email server be set-up on an Azure VM?

No. You can’t be reasonably sure your outgoing email will be delivered, as many destinations simply blacklist, firewall, or even null route all major cloud providers’ IP blocks due to the heavy abuse seen from those ranges – not just from email but via other services as well. And even if your mail is delivered … Read more

Sendmail: Sender address rejected (Domain not found)

This error is specifically regarding the ‘from’ address, not the sending mail server. As such, MX records are not relevant, and your MTA settings are probably not relevant. The issue is that you’re sending an e-mail from “bookings@debian70.vm”, which the recipient correctly determines cannot possibly be a valid e-mail address, since the debian70.vm domain does … Read more