Are separate dns records necessary for web and mail on a single server?

Yes, it would be possible, but you will lose some important advantages if you choose to do so: If you point all services to the same DNS name, you can’t put them onto separate servers any more without reconfiguring any client that refers to them. As an example: With different names, when the load on … Read more

What is the best method for sending email on behalf of my clients’ domains?

Excellent question. I’ve just spent several hours researching the same thing. I had previously deployed numerous websites that use Option C for email forms (mainly out of naivety), but we are experiencing an increasing number of delivery issues. Email providers are gradually tightening up on things. For example Yahoo recently changed their DMARC policy to … Read more

How do I temporarily suspend mail delivery to a specific domain (non-local) with Postfix?

Put messages in a HOLD state /etc/postfix/ smtpd_recipient_restrictions = … check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/hold /etc/postfix/hold: HOLD HOLD Make sure you run postmap hash:/etc/postfix/hold whenever you update the file. If you want to release all messages on hold, use postsuper: # postsuper -H ALL

Spamassassin flagged something as spam that is not spam. How do I tell it so?

There is both specific and general advice that may be useful in this case. Specific The underlying problem here is that Garuda Airlines, bless their little cotton socks, are sending confirmation emails that bear many of the hallmarks of spam. The subject line is VERY SHOUTY, they send HTML-only emails which contain quite lot of … Read more

Setting up SPF and DKIM records of a subdomain

Like in the answer from BillThor, you probably NEED to set up SPF and DKIM for the i.e. the hostname used in email addresses, where is only a MX for the domain. But, to answer the exact question… Unlike claimed on another answer, it is possible to set up both SPF and … Read more

How to collect bounces in postfix

The exact answer to your question (handling the address) depends on how your server is configured to receive mail. If is the virtual domain the best you can do is collect the messages in the mailbox (assuming recipient_delimiter = -). If is the locally delivered domain for the server (mail is … Read more