Difference between ECMAScript 2016 exponentiation operator and Math.pow()

None. As you can read in the ES7 spec, both Math.pow and the ** exponentation operator cast their arguments/operands to numbers and use the very same algorithm to determine the result. Addendum: this changed with the introduction of the BigInt type in ES2020, whose values are only supported by operators (including **) but not the … Read more

Why does numpy.power return 0 for small exponents while math.pow returns the correct answer?

Oh, it’s much “worse” than that: In [2]: numpy.power(10,-1) Out[2]: 0 But this is a hint to what’s going on: 10 is an integer, and numpy.power doesn’t coerce the numbers to floats. But this works: In [3]: numpy.power(10.,-1) Out[3]: 0.10000000000000001 In [4]: numpy.power(10.,-100) Out[4]: 1e-100 Note, however, that the power operator, **, does convert to … Read more

Exponentiation in Python – should I prefer ** operator instead of math.pow and math.sqrt? [duplicate]

math.sqrt is the C implementation of square root and is therefore different from using the ** operator which implements Python’s built-in pow function. Thus, using math.sqrt actually gives a different answer than using the ** operator and there is indeed a computational reason to prefer numpy or math module implementation over the built-in. Specifically the … Read more

Exponentiation operator in Swift

There isn’t an operator but you can use the pow function like this: return pow(num, power) If you want to, you could also make an operator call the pow function like this: infix operator ** { associativity left precedence 170 } func ** (num: Double, power: Double) -> Double{ return pow(num, power) } 2.0**2.0 //4.0

How to raise a number to a power?

Rust provides exponentiation via methods pow and checked_pow. The latter guards against overflows. Thus, to raise 2 to the power of 10, do: let base: i32 = 2; // an explicit type is required assert_eq!(base.pow(10), 1024); The caret operator ^ is not used for exponentiation, it’s the bitwise XOR operator.