What is NSFaceIDUsageDescription – Face ID Usage Description Info.plist key?

Now further explained in the above mentioned forum (by an Apple employee) https://forums.developer.apple.com/message/265156: Face ID requires adding a usage string with the key NSFaceIDUsageDescription (aka Privacy – Face ID Usage Description) to your app’s Info.plist. In the simulator, the Face ID permissions alert will show “This app was designed to use Touch ID and may … Read more

How to programmatically check support of ‘Face Id’ and ‘Touch Id’

I’ve been struggling to get this to work and found that I needed to use a single instance of the LAContext and needed to call the LAContextInstance.canEvaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, error: nil) before getting the biometryType. Here is my final code with support for older iOS versions: import LocalAuthentication static func biometricType() -> BiometricType { let authContext = … Read more

Can we test Face ID in simulator?

Simulator does not recognise a face but allows you to simulate a matching and non-matching faces, if you’ve enabled Enrolled option from Face ID. Add following code to your view controller and try with Face-ID import LocalAuthentication class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() localAuthentication() } func localAuthentication() -> Void { let laContext … Read more