Expire Files In A Folder: Delete Files After x Days

We used a combination of a powershell script and a policy. The policy specifies that the user must create a folder inside the Drop_Zone share and then copy whatever files they want into that folder. When the folder gets to be 7 days old (using CreationTime) the powershell script will delete it. I also added … Read more

How do I mount sshfs at boot?

Currently, Upstart in Ubuntu does not generate network events. Instead it calls traditional sysvinit. By default NetworkManager is installed and running; rather than emit network events to upstart, it contains a run-parts dispatcher (/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/) which itself simply relies on ifupdown’s run-parts dispatcher (/etc/network/*.d/). In particular you care about /etc/network/if-up.d/ and /etc/network/if-down.d/ First set up a … Read more

NTFS ACL’s: What is the difference between object and container inhertiance?

These flags control the inheritance of ACLs. There are other flags, too– IO and NP. You can see more about them in the article I link below. In short, access control entries (ACEs) flagged only with “Object Inheritance” apply that ACE to files in a folder, but not subfolders within that folder. ACEs flagged only … Read more

Anonymous access to SMB share hosted on Server 2008 R2 Enterprise

You did everything correct with the exception of the local account accessing the share cannot be on both systems. Essentially, if the non-domain account running your application is called “administrator” then you must not have a local account on the domain server named “administrator”.

How do I force specific permissions for new files/folders on Linux file server?

I typically use SAMBA’s native functionality for permissions and groups management on shares. For example.. force user=user1 force group=sharedgroup create mask=775 You would specify these settings under the share. Be certain to reload SAMBA after the configuration change, which could be done via the init script.