SynEdit for Firemonkey?

There most likely is not (at the moment): From the homepage: It is a pure-VCL/CLX control, meaning it is not a wrapper for Microsoft Windows controls and so no run-time library is required. CLX or Component Library for Cross Platform is the cross-platform equivalent of the VCL – Borland’s widget library. From Nakeymonkey – native … Read more

How to create a dialog like component that allows drop other controls inside it?

Take a closer look at TTabControl / TTabItem in the unit FMX.TabControl. This is your perfect example because it basically needs to solve the same problem. The following function is what you need to override: procedure DoAddObject(const AObject: TFmxObject); override; This is called when a control is added to your control. Override this function so … Read more

Serious FireMonkey performance issues when there are a lot of controls at screen

I tried your code, it takes 00:10:439 on my PC on XE3 to fill screen with cells. By disabling these lines: //ProgressBar.Value:= ProgressBar.Value + 1; //Caption:= ‘Elapsed time: ‘ + FormatDateTime(‘nn:ss:zzz’, Time – T) + // ‘ (min:sec:msec) Cells: ‘ + IntToStr(Trunc(ProgressBar.Value)); … //Application.ProcessMessages; This goes down to 00:00:106 (!). Updating visual controls (such as … Read more

How to create “No Activate” form in Firemonkey

It is possible using NSPanel with NSNonactivatingPanelMask flag. The NSView of fmx form should become child of NSPanel. I have written a helper class which works for both Windows and Mac platforms (Works on XE4): unit NoActivateForm; interface uses Fmx.Forms, Fmx.Types {$IFDEF POSIX} , Macapi.AppKit {$ENDIF} ; type TNoActivateForm = class private form: TForm; {$IFDEF … Read more