Does multithreading emphasize memory fragmentation?

Ok, picked up the bait. This is on a system with Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz 4×5666.59 bogomips Linux meerkat 2.6.35-28-generic-pae #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 18 20:43:15 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux gcc version 4.4.5 total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 8127172 4220560 3906612 0 374328 2748796 -/+ buffers/cache: 1097436 7029736 Swap: 0 … Read more

Cause of page fragmentation on “large” server with xfs, 20 disks and Ceph

I thought I’d put an answer with my observations because there are a lot of comments. Based off of your output at We can determine the following: The GFP_MASK for the memory allocation tried is allowed to do the following. Can access emergency pools (I think this means access data below the high watermark … Read more

SQL Database physical file fragmentation

I think this article gives an excellent overview of defragmentation of SAN drives Basic points is that defragmenting is not recommended on SAN storage because it is difficult to correlate the physical location of blocks on the disk when the location has been virtualized by the SAN when presenting the LUN. If you were … Read more

What is memory fragmentation?

Imagine that you have a “large” (32 bytes) expanse of free memory: ———————————- | | ———————————- Now, allocate some of it (5 allocations): ———————————- |aaaabbccccccddeeee | ———————————- Now, free the first four allocations but not the fifth: ———————————- | eeee | ———————————- Now, try to allocate 16 bytes. Oops, I can’t, even though there’s nearly … Read more